Sunday 26 August 2018

REVIEW : Chamos Acaci Galactomyces 100% Ferment Filtrate

Today i would like to share a product that I'm currently using which as stated in the title above!

Before going further, I would like to share w u guys about the product first in case u guys have no idea what's galactomyces, and what is it for, the benefits and stuffs :)
pic from Supermodels Secrets (i bought the product here)

I've been using this product for almost 3 months, this product is doing a great job on my skin as i could see my skin is getting so much better. I could clearly see the acne on my forhead is almost vanished (just few bumps here and there) As i have acne-prone skin and sensitive skin, ( i got new pimple almost every week) but this product helps to minimize the probs, and helps to cure my acne.
This essence can also be used as ur toner by using it with cotton pad, but i prefer to use it use my own finger as i dont want to waste every single drop of it due to the very high price πŸ˜…πŸ˜… ( a bottle cost me around RM82)

I'm on my half bottle.

I love how exclusive the box is. It comes with a glossy white pearl box, 

Am a fan of product that comes with dispenser, hygiene comes first!. I like product that comes with a clear glass bottle and we can see directly the product in it.

I also love how hydrating this essence is. And the instant glow is definitely my fav part of this product. I always in the lazy mood to apply moisturizer that's creamy and thick, and this essence will take part to moisturize my skin. If my skin tend to dry, (especially after using clay/mud mask I would love to apply this twice. (mean: apply once, wait few secs and then drop a few more on the skin and dab again)

I would also love to apply this before i did my makeup, the key to have a luminous makeup look is to make sure ur skin has enough hydration, and this essence do its job to hydrates my skin without leaving a sticky/greasy/heavy feeling on my skin. As the texture itself is VERY VERY VERY VERY watery and liquidy like u wont notice if people replace the product with actual normal water. It never fails to amaze me how this super watery product can hydrate and moisturize my skin real good.

Some people didn't like the smell but here i am thinking this essence doesn't have any smell. Me, personally would like using bad smell product bcs of not containing any fragrance rather than product that contain abundant of fragrance and made my skin irritated.

Back to the price, this shop offers cheaper price than the usual shop that i've found. (I've found several shops that sells this essence more than RM100!) So, if u guys interested to try this, go the mentioned shop ^^ For me the price range is reasonable bcs it last long, been using this for about 3 months and I'm just on the half bottle, (approx: U can use it up till 5-6 months)

Rate : 9/10. Repurchase? No bcs i want to try another product! Do I recommend to buy it? DEFINITELY YES. However, this product doesn't do magic in one night, I'm waiting month by month to see the good result and after experiencing positive feedback by my skin, here i am writing this review for u guys :)

Price : RM82 not affordable but reasonable :)

Tuesday 22 May 2018


Issa review timeee!! Today I'll be reviewing few products from pure beauty which is from the PINK range. From what i know, this range is good for pore problem. Before going further, i would like to leave a note about my skin type. My skin type is Combination skin.. (oily-normal type and i have mild acne problem :)

The 1st product : FOAM CLEANSER

This foam cleanser is one of the best foam cleanser that i've ever tried in my life! ISTG..
As it says, it will not dry out ur skin after using it. and i really love how the clean-feel after using it. and i tho this foam cleanser will dry out my skin bcs of the foam but nope! its preserve my skin  moisture in the same time cleanse my skin effectively!! LOVE LOVE LOVE. I think this foam cleanser is very suitable for oily skin type, combination skin type, and normal skin type. I dont really recommend it to dry skin bcs of the foamy texture might strip off ur already dry skin :) and i kinda love the smell too!! EXTRA LOVE FOR THIS FOAM CLEANSER. Rate :- 4.5/5. Would repurchase again ;) Price around RM30

The 2nd product : TONER

This toner does its job and i really fall in love with it as it doesnt dry my skin and most importantly, it doesnt sting my skin. I have tried few toners that sting my sensitive area especially on my cheeks and under nose. But this toner gently remove the excess dirt and hydrate my skin mildly! I would repurchase this toner again ^-^ And highly recommended to u guys to try it out. Rate :- 4.2/5.
 Price around RM30

The 3rd product : ESSENCE

Again this range is the best for my skin type which is combo skin. I love how the product absorbs into my skin and doesnt leave sticky feeling on my skin. Sometimes when I'm so lazy to apply my moisturizer on my skin, i will just use this essence as my light moisturizer. I love how it hydrates my skin and leave my skin fresh. It's in gel form but it doesnt feel heavy on my skin and doesnt leave any discomfort feeling after using it. Although i love this product but i dont think to repurchase this bcs i dont see any goods besides hydrates and smoothens my skin. I actually looking more from this essence especially for my pore problem but it doesnt show anything that excites me as this essence quite costing me i wouldnt like to repurchase this essence that only good at hydrates and smoothens only. But still, this essence doesnt disappoint me that bad still giving it a 3.9/5 . Price around RM50

So i think that's all my thought about all this product after using them for 5 months :) This product super saving and very affordable. Super in love with them. If you are interested to purchase this product, u guys can get them at Watsons :D

As i bought this on sale, I receive a present for purchase above RM80. I RECEIVE AN UNICORN MUGGG!! Which is soooo cuteeee πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦„

Isn't so cuteee πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
OKAY THAT'S ALL FROM MEE!!  Thank you for reading my review ! Muah 😘😘

Tuesday 8 May 2018


HI Assalammualaikum semua.

After almost a year didn't update my blog, i feel like i want to start writing again! and im so excited to share w u guys about my life as one year student in KMP and i hope u guys will feel the excitement too!! hehe\\ ok let's get started :)

sebelum aku cerita hidup aku dekat perlis, aku introduce diri aku boleh ke idok? kalau tak berminat boleh skip this section ok ;)
so last year aku dipilih untuk masuk matrics, but before aku masuk aku ada pilihan samada nk pilih matrics(ACCOUNTING) or foundation in English(UIA) . After few days berfikir then i decided untuk lanjutkan pelajaran di matriks as i feel im not ready yet to be a uni students as matriks is actually pra-u so i guess u guys know yang matriks is more or less macam sekolah jugak cuma dicampur dgn u sikit. Ramai yang cakap life kat students lagi seronok dari life di sekolah or uni. And after going through for 1 year in matriks, YES I ADMIT THAT and  swear if u guys going to matriks u guys will say the same (if not, im so sorry)

aku nak cakap tentang how was my studies there, so as i told u aku ambik accounting course and aku sebenarnya student sn-acc masa sekolah dulu, but i dont think to continue studying sc bcs im suck at those subjects (chemist, fiz). nak conclude, kalau korang nak tau sebenarnya belajar kat matriks is much easier dr sekolah. Ni bagi aku la, mungkin bagi orang lain, tak.. tapi bagi aku ye disebabkan msasa sekolah dulu struggle dgn subjek2 killer.. masuk matriks, hanya perlu belajar dan fokus pada 4 subjek je!!! Dari 9 subjek masa sekolah, jadi 4 subjek, senang ke idok? jadi kalau korang ambik kos perakaunan korang akan belajar 4 subjek iaitu PERAKAUNAN, EKONOMI, PENGURUSAN PERNIAGAAN & MATEMATIK. My least fav subjects ialah eko dan bisnes x) kerana memerlukan teknik penghafalan yg tinggi untuk bisnes dan utk eko, kalau kau tak faham mmg aku berani sumpah kau takkan boleh jawab but it's all about logic je eko ni. Bagi aku eko sem 1 lagi senang dr sem 2 tapi utk budak2 power, diorang akan cakap dua2 senang ;p Untuk pp pulak, sem2 lagi senang sbb dia ada bab yang kira2 but still ada banyak nak kena hafal. ahaha

So, kalau korang nak tau life kat matriks ni seronok ke tak, actually it depends jugak sbb yg uruskan life korang adalah JPP (Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Pelajar) diorang yg akan handle any programs selama setahun korang belajar kat sana, jadi kalau JPP korang rajin buat program, maka hectic jugak life korang but in the same time u guys boleh create A LOT OF memories w ur friends .. jadi nanti bila ada musim mengundi, silalah pilih calon yg berkaliber bukan kerana rupa ye anak2. as for me GEN 18, seronok sangat sbb JPP ada buat macam2 prog such as, movie night, colour run, senamrobik, oscars night and many moree.

life kat perlis bagi aku seronok jugak la walaupun cuaca nya yang mashaAllah panas nye rasa boleh hilang kulit ni acewahh. haha tp series mmg panas, kadang baru pukul 9-10 pagi tp dia punya panas macam dah terngah hari. Nak tak nak, redho je la yee. kalau korang terpilih masuk KMP, sila bekalkan sunblock ok kalau taknak balik kampung orang tegur "kenapa makin gelap" hehehe.. kat kmp bila ada musim berangin , fuhhh syokkk sampai tudung tu macam nk tercabuttt.. and hujan kat perlis mahal ;') kalau hujan turun, sujud syukur k :) haha but there's time yg cuaca kat perlis sejukkkkk gile under 25 degree, malam uihhh syok tido sampai taknak bangun pi kuliah ahaha. tp tak lama pon cuaca tuu.

Makanan KMP sedap2 oiiiiiiii, sape belajar kmp, korang kena bersyukur sebab makanan sedap and harga pon afforable tp ada jugak yg makcik bagi mahal tu kena redho lahh.. aha tp kalau korang pi kafe pentadbiran, situ murah and lauk pon best2, aku selalu pergi kafe A sbb ada banyak pilihan lauk and kat situ kalau nak makan ikan, mmg akan jumpa ikan keli jee ahaha samada goreng atau masak sambal. ayam macam2 ada, ayam goreng, ayam kicap, ayam masak merah, ayam kari, ayam goreng kunyit, ayam masak rendang , tom yam pon ada and macam2 jenis lauk.. Tapi kalau korang pergi lambat hmmm, dapatlah kerak2 ayam kuah pun kena kuis sendiri ahaha. Kafe B pulak aku jarang pergi sbb jauh dr blok aku dan tak seronok sgt makanannya bagi aku lahh..
kafe A&B ada masakan panas tapi waktu malam ajeee ye. burger pon ade. sebab tu aku kata duk kmp boleh gemok oiii...
Di KMP pon ade bakery yg begitu famous dengan nasi lemak RM1 aku antara pembeli tegarnyaa. ada macam2 kuih semua RM1 -3 biji. aku suka karipap dia :'((( diorang pon ade jual ice cream, ice blended, kek untuk sambut birthday pon adeee.. serba sempurna di KMP ni.. pakcik bakery pon baik, koraang boleh minta pakcik belikan kfc or pizza tanpa dibayar caj perkhidmatan pon tauuu....

KMP pon ade mini mart, jual macam barang untuk meneruskan kehidupan di KMP cuma harganya sedikit mahal dr kedai di luar sana, kalau dah terdesak beli ajee, mini mart ni ada jual maggi dan sangat cepat habis :') biskut, roti, junkfood, sabun mandi, sabun basuh, buku, wtv semua ada haaa . jangan risau kalau takde barang yg kau nak beli dekat mart, boleh mintak pakcik bakery belikan.. ahahaha

aku rasa aku akan stop kat sini dulu, next episode aku sambung balik k ;)

Saturday 24 December 2016

REVIEW: St. Ives Green Tea Scrub


Today i want to share a skincare once again! And it's an international product that everyone should have! 
 St. Ives is a really famous with their awesome products. And i chose one of them which is the Green Tea one that's more concern to Blackhead Clearing. This range claims good for clearing blackhead and calming redness.

Would like to let you know, St. Ives scrub is more famous in the apricot range ;)

So let's just get started with the picture!

So this is how the product look. Just a normal tube and nothing special about that. 

At the back of the tube, it has the description, ingredients and direction to use. 

As stated there, the exfoliation factor is moderate. Later, I'm gonna show you how the scrub beads look! 

As you can see from the active ingredient one which is the salicylic acid (1%) and it's for acne treatment. Clearly, this scrub can also help those who suffer with acne. But, !!WARNING!! Those who have acne can scrub, but in a very slow phase and in circular motion. Don't ever u dare to scrub hardly, unless you want another severe problem on your skin.

This is the list of the ingredients of this product. The upper it is, the bigger volume it contains. 

This scrub is oil-free so dont worry to those who hv oily-prone skin. it's safe for you!
It's also sulfate and paraben free!!!!! It is 170g which is VERYYY HUGEE! I bought this around RM18 if i'm not mistaken, affordable and it lasts real long!

It comes with this closer which is normal and nothing special. And you can see the green-coloured inside it. 

So, this is the amount that you need to use for your whole face. You dont need a lot girlll.. This is wayyy too enough to scrub your whole face including your neck!

once u started to scrub it (still wet)

It dries off. Look how small the beads are. It's more like tiny-sandy feeling.
Once u mixed them with water. To clear you guys, this isn't foam scrub so, they will not produce any foam (as you can see in the picture :)

How i use this product?

1. I will cleanse my face with my facial cleanser first.

2. Rince my face, and put out the amount that i need to scrub my face and neck.

3. Andd, scrub my face in circular motion (SLOWLY) 

4.Rinse my face off! Tadaaaa, u will gotta feel how smooth ur skin gonna be.

I use this scrub 2 days 1 time. ((You can use this scrub everyday if you dont have severe acne problem to give you faster result for your blackhead :))

-Very very very veryyy nice smell!! 
-sulfate and paraben free!
-the beads are small, so it wont hurt ur skin even though u scrub hardly.
-smoothens my skin right after i scrub.
-Very cheap for the huge product
-It helps to control my acne problem (barely seen)
- it doesnt dry my skin!

-Doesn't hv instant effect for my clogged pores, and blackhead which is those blackhead still there even after i scrub my skin.
- Nothing bad about this product since it doesnt give me break out 

Will i repurchase? No. Because there's still a lot of product that i want to try out!! 
Will I recommend this? OF COURSEEEE!! I do recommend this those who hv rough skin or dry patches skin. it will smoothen ur skin ^.^ And u can feel ur skin so clean except ur clogged pores.

If you are still new and to try out scrub, you can get on this! Cheap and good!

Rate; 4/5 seems it won't solve my pores problem :(

Any quest, can directly ask me ok ;)

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Eat-out with my sisters!


So harini 1 November maka sangatlah dekat dengan tarikh keramat untuk aku menabur semua ilmu yang aku belajar selama ini ke kertas soalan SPM pada 7 Nov ini! Perasaan berdebar semua ada, tapi kita kena ok-ok kan jerrr...

So kak Ummi harini ajak keluar makan untuk menyambut birthday aku yang kan menjelang pada 10 Nov ini. Jadi amatlah mustahil nak pergi sambut pada tarikh tersebut memandangkan aku sedang berperang pada saat itu, dan kak ummi pun dah balik ke UUM nya jauh nun di utara sana.

So kak ummi kata nak belanja aku makan dan mencadangkan tempat makanan pilihan hati, aku bab nak pilih tempat makan adalah sangat susah, lalu melantun lah dari mulut kak ummi list2 tempat makanan, Jadi Secret Recipe menjadi pilihan hati, seperti tahun lalu aku juga menyambut birthday aku bersama dia di sana. 

Jadi sambil bercerita pasti ada gambarnyeee, ye dak? Tanpa gambar, amat bosan lah entry aku... ibarat lagu tanpa melodi gitewww. EH yeye je aku nak mengibaratkan... jangan guna ungkapan tu dalam exam nanti ;'D  

Jadi ikutilah susulan cerita petang tadiiiii di bawah yer, 

Ini muka lepas bangun tido sebenarnyaa.... tapi dah cuci muka sebelum keluarr... dan itu bare face aku. Amatlah tidak menawan sekali muka aku. Tidak se-flawless seperti sangkaan korang.... huhu

Menurut entry aku yang lalu, aku takkan miss pakai instant white aku bila keluaq, jadi jom kita tenyeh mende ni di muka supaya ada aura positif (konon2 jer) Buat tambah keyakinan sikit. Kadang2, pakai mende macam ni orang sangka nak kasi cantik jer, tapi itu bukan main aim aku. Aku pakai ni, first adalah untuk protect from uv walaupun petang tidaklah panas terik tapi sinaran uv tetap membolos di muka bumi ini. Kedua adalah untuk membina keyakinan atau konfiden supaya tidaklah rasa kecil kerana muka yg tak mulus seperti Nora Danish.. gitew le~

Jadi separuh tu aku dot2 kan di muka, kenapa aku pakai dalam kereta? Sebab aku memang cam tu. haha!

Dan, ini setelah di-blendkan. Lihatlah perbezaan di sebelah kiri (with) sebelah kanan (without) Sape cakap takde beza hangpa kena pergi optometrist yer!

Jadi tulah wajah aku selepas bekerjasama dengan instant white. Baru bermaya~

Walaupun aku pakai camera yg skrin tak boleh lipat, selfie tetap tidak berpisah. Apa adik aku buat dekat belakang tu korang anggap dia lapar jelah~

Ni kakak aku yang sanggup menabur duitnya untuk belanja aku makan. Takpelah kan, buat saham jariah :*

Selepas sampai ke destinasi, nilah muka lapor~~~

Ni adik aku, Ulya Muhayya umur 4 tahun. Dan sangat annoying jugak kadang2.

Ni bakal akauntan, Ummi Hani.

Bergambo la dengan keropok udang (ke?) Keropok free.

Ni antara wajah kenikkmatan selepas dapat minum Strawberry Milkshake nye~

Oleh kerana, kesihatan aku kurang baik (sakit tekak, baru lepas demam) aku mula berjinak dengan dengan minuman panas. Minuman yang jadi pilihan hati, adalah Caramel Latte 
Point mereka letak kacang tanah masih belum dikenal pasti. Mungkin untuk hiasan. Aku bukan penggemar kacang tanah~

Adakah ini juga wajah menikmati? 

Ini lah menu yang menjadi takdir aku petang tadi iaitu Spaghetti Meatball. Mula2 sampai, sedetik dua deti aku tertanya adakah 5 ketul tu Meatball atau cekodok pisang? Anggap jelah itu memang style penyediaan nya. 

Menu kak ummi ini adalah sebenarnya aku dulu nak order, oleh kerana dia telah menuturkan hasratnya untuk makan jadi aku sebagai adik, hold dulu~~  Menu yang menjadi rebutan 2 gadis ini ialah Prawn Macaroni with Cheese. 

Cekodok tak cekodok, habis jugak!~ Orang belanja, kita makan jelahhh.. Nak tunggu duit sendiri, 2 tahun lagi belum tentu. haks Adik aku yang kat belakang tu, korang anggap sticker je lah.

Imperession kak ummi korang describe sendiri. Muka kenyang? Muka sedih memikirkan duitnya yang bakal diberi kepada cashier?

Dah habis pun tangkap ke? buat kenangan gitew.

Ni muka menyesal tak order makanan atau kenyang minum milkshake aku pun tak sure.

Mari berbicara dengan minuman yang dinamakan Caramel Latte. Aku order minuman ni dengan harapan yang melintas di hati rasanya yang kaw dapat buat jiwa aku yang malap ni makin segar. Tapi pew, sesedut je sekali, rasenye terasa seperti Nescafe Caramel Latte. Aku juga penggemar minuman kopi ni dan jenama Nescafe bukan lah satu nama janggal lagi. Since, gelas yang aku mintak ni gelas besar. Yang aku dapat rasalah hanyalah susu dan samar2 caramel dan sedikitlah rasa latte. 

Biasa bila aku bancuh kopi aku akan guna cawan yang kecik saiznya supaya rasa kaw tidak hilang. Tapi apakan daya. ~~~

Ni keropok udang. Tak habis sebab tak kena dengan kombinasi menu kami harini. huhu!

Setelah siap makan, kita pilih kek pilihan hati pula....  

Gambar perut buncit atau gambar jalan aku pun taktau motif aku

Merekalah peneman aku untuk harini <3

Muka kekenyangan. Pipi makin memontel. Biarkan!~

Inilah kek pilihan hati aku Chocolate Brulee. 
A delightful chocolate-centric vanilla crème brulee treat set in three distinctive layers of mud cake, brulee and couverture chocolate mousse topped with a thin chocolate glaze. Enjoy this silky smooth creamy brulee with bittersweet notes on crisped croquantine base.
 Untuk kek ni, aku bagi 5/5 sebab everything yang ada dekat description semua benar. Dapat rasa kepahitan dan kemanisan coklat tu!
Ini pula pilihan yang kedua iaitu Turkish Indulgence 
Medley of chocolate and light cream topped with pistachio crumbles, embedded with aromatic rose flavoured Turkish candy, soft marshmallows, crunchy pistachios and a coating of dark couverture chocolate.
Rate aku untuk ini pula 4.5/5 

Bagi aku Secret Recipe ini hanya pakar dalam kek sahaja, untuk makanan yang lain aku tak suggest korang makan disini. Bukan tak sedap, tapi rasanya mungkin tak capai expectation korang. Tapi, taste lain2, mungkin korang suka ^_^ Sekian ceritera aku untuk harini. 

Terima kasihla sebab sudi luang masa membaca entry yang meraban ni. ok itu sahaja untuk harini!!!!!